Anda Masih Tercari.....
- Peluang pekerjaan
- Peluang tambah pendapatan
- Start Franchise Bizz dengan Modal yang kecil
Jom sertai Kami sekarang...
Siapa kami???
Offcourse Green Leaders Group which is... urs truly Farena, My Leader Nora, My Top Leader Ain Ismail & our Mentor Hanis Haizi
Kenapa Kami?
- Kami adalah pioner in Online Marketing using Social Media (Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter etc)
- We keen in Coaching People to achive their DREAMS
- We train & guide our bizz partner thru classes in our own Academy... Yess !!! We have own academy which is Green Leaders Academy Malaysia (GLAM)
Siapa Mentor anda ??
Haniz Haizi just using her blog to promoted Premium Beautiful & Paling best she's proven develop thousand of leaders & one of it offcourse yours truly :)
Apa yang anda akan dapat setelah menyertai GLG (Green Leaders Group) family?
- Solid Income every month which is 4-5-6 figures
- FREE 2 Premium Beautiful set
- Chances to grab FOC holiday.. around the world
- Chances to grab your dream car
- and many moree !!!!
Apa kelayakan untuk sertai Family kami?
No specific kelayakan, this is OPEN OPPORTUNITY.. we train people retired young, rich and offcourse famous as our mommy in bizz
So apa tunggu lagi..
Jom sertai kami
Do contact Farena 012-900 6349 or
email me at
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